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Bissap Seed Pack – Red Kor

Immerse yourself in the beauty and flavor of Red Kor Bissap. Order your Bissap Seed Pack now and embark on a journey of botanical elegance and sensory delight right in your own backyard and/or farm

Original price was: ₵ 25.00.Current price is: ₵ 20.00.

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SKU: Bissap Seed Pack - Red Kor Categories: , Tag:

Seed name: Bissap
Variety: Red Kor

Product Description
Unleash the allure of the tropics in your very own garden with our Bissap Seed Pack, featuring the captivating Red Kor variety. Known for its stunning crimson blooms and delightful hibiscus flavour, this seed pack invites you to cultivate a vibrant oasis that harmonizes beauty and taste. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a newcomer to horticulture, Red Kor Bissap promises an enchanting and flavorful journey.

Growing Guide
Sowing: sow seeds 1 inch deep in either nursery bed or a container with well-drained soil and water.
Germination: 2 weeks averagely
Light: full sun

Weight 3 g

Tall crops




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